About Me

I’m sure you don’t want to read a standard boring essay about my life and to save me reiterating what's already on the home page, I’ve mixed it up a little and come up with some interesting questions which should give you a good insight into me.

What are you mostly passionate about?
Family, friends and fashion!
If you woke up as the opposite sex, what's the first thing you would do?

Look at my willy, haha! It’s true I probably would! Don’t judge me, I bet you’d do the same!

Would you ever play strip poker?
Depends who with ;) Of course, things like that rarely phase me. I'm pretty comfortable in my skin!
What do you like to do in your leisure time?
Watch a whole load of movies, go to sexy roof top bars/clubs, eat out, attend and cook dinners for friends, holidays in the sun, chillax at the spa, spend Q.T with friends, family and their kids, meeting new and inspirational people and more recently fashion blogging!
Are you addicted to anything?

Caffeine, I can probably get through at least five cups of the stuff throughout the day and fashion (or shopping) of course

What's the most important thing to you?
Freedom, I’m a free spirit, let me be! I hate restrictions and control

What country would you love to visit?

The Maldives, before it sinks.

When was the last time you went to a good party?

Me and my best friend and model Catherine Peck attended a private birthday party last Friday at the Morton Club in Mayfair, full of 6ft supermodels. I felt like a short-ass and let me tell you I am by no means short, I’m 5 ft 7 but these girls were hella tall boiii! Check out my outfit below that I wore on the night from Celebrity Boutique. I'm just in love with this colour right now!

Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive?

Hell yeah! Although it depends on the person and the body! Weirdly I only really like them on suit wearing professional men. You know when they look all clean cut, talk all posh and underneath they have a whole dark side! I guess I can relate to that! I love this tattoo below, I can totally Identify with the dark and light side that it clearly represents!

When was the last time someone made you laugh really hard?

My Mum’s text conversation with me. (I think she was bored at work or high!), check it out:
Mum: Don’t buy any shoes or clothes, or I will kill you! Text me when you’re home
Me: Home, no problem
Mum: You are the problem
Me: Ok, kill me then you’ll fix the problem
Mum: Will tonight!
Me: Looking forward to it!
Mum: Any last wish?
Ok, can’t reveal the rest, but you get the gist! I guess it's more of an 'inside' joke!
When you wake up, what's the first thought that runs through your head?
Gratefulness - most days I appreciate what I have! From the small things like my warm bed and water to wash and brush my teeth with, my family and friends, to the Jimmy Choos on my feet and the fashion on my bod!
What’s one secret that not many people know about you?
I watch a lot of controversial, international, gory and dark horror movies; some of which seem to be banned in most countries.
I have a secret allurement towards them; I think I enjoy the shock factor! I guess I portray a hard exterior to most people, but I actually do get rather scared watching them and I'm still a little afraid of the dark, especially if I’m staying in unfamiliar place.
What is your best movie of all time?
The obvious choice would be The Shawshank Redemption, it is by far one of the best movies ever made in my opinion! A surprising gem of a movie for me was American History X, the heartening message it left really moved me and evoked strong feelings of pity and sympathy for the main character brilliantly portrayed by Edward Norton; who at the beginning was quite frankly beyond a complete dickhead! To say I initially hated his character is an understatement. The movie is a powerful attempt to trace the roots of racial hatred - which, in this case, lie partly in family tragedy. For me it gives a strong indisputable message about letting rage control your life. I totally recommend you see it.

What is the best book you’ve ever read?

The Secret! It was recommended to me by a few of my friends so I thought I’d give it a shot. It really inspired me and changed my outlook on life.
What song is stuck in your head right now?
Down, Chris Brown (Feat. Kanye West) 
What’s your Favourite song?
Usher – You make me wanna (I know it’s an oldie, but it’s still one of my favourites)
What was the last concert you went to?
Usher at the O2 Arena in London, which was actually my first concert ever! Don’t worry, I’ve booked my next one to see Drake in April
If you could speak another language, what would it be?
Aramaic - language of empires and as a language of divine worship. It was the day-to-day language of Israel, some speculate was the language spoken by Jesus – how cool would that be, to speak the language of Jesus Christ! Also I’m quite drawn to the dark side of Aramaic, it’s spoken in all the movies to do with Devil Possessions. Kinda deep and dark, right!?
What do you see in a guy?
Dress sense, charm, wit, intellect and swagga (in no particular order!)
What's your one favourite thing about the opposite sex?
Men don’t get periods!
What one thing really annoys you about the opposite sex?
How they can turn their bloody brain off like that? Us women are natural over-thinkers and we can’t just stop thinking. But men can just go right ahead and switch it off. My ex did it all the time, if we sat in one place for too long all he would just turn it off. I looked over at him once and I asked him what he was thinking (cause he looked kinda dead) and he said "nothing". I didn't believe him at first. Until I looked again an hour later and he really looked like nothing was in there.
Can you lick your elbow?

No, but I can touch my nose with my tongue!
What’s one word that describes you?
Confident (I cheated, I asked my friend Hannah Jones how she would describe me in a word)
What’s a Sunny saying?
Lovin your work!

If you'd like to know more, contact me at: deepa0001@hotmail.com or alternatively hit me up on Facebook. Or follow me on Twitter

Disclaimer: All images contained within Sunny_Style.blogspot.com are the properties of their original creators. As the writer of this blog I do not claim to have copyright over any image unless excplicity stated. If I use an image of yours let me know if you would like me to remove it or give credit.

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